Customer Care

Presenting the best products and services is our priority. Diacopars different departments do their best to satisfy customers and manage optimized product distribution in Iran and other countries. Coatings quality promotion is an ongoing project.
We are committed to present the best quality consultant, products and support for our clients. Diacopars is your friend.
Support: Support team is beside our client and helps them in every step. Final best quality of Diacopars products is because of the skills and scientific background of the Diacopars system.
Consultant: our experts and consultants know all ways and solutions to coat and paint. They offer the best, support the customers and follow up the results to the end. Final result of each product should be standard and maintain its best quality.
Solutions: whatever wrong happens for projects Diacopars will solve the problem with a suitable approach. Sympathy, trust and help is the base of our ethics.
Connections: Counselors are not only Diacopars representative in projects but also the customer representative is the company. Customer satisfaction and support is a priority in any project.
Creativity: Customer needs help us to make more effort and new or modified products to make new solutions. Creativity and innovation are two important properties of Diacopars.