Importance of Survey

Competition is a property of the business world. Popularity, high productivity, upgrade quality and quantity of products needs to be careful about different needs of the market and stakeholders from business owners. Although customer and stakeholders satisfaction is important in business development, reputation and social responsibility is one of our main missions and duties. This mission would be done from continuous correction and development through surveys and questionnaire results.

We made ourselves obliged to be responsible for personal and organizational duties. From the beginning  ethics, law and culture attention were made to present an intelligent and polite manner for our organizational culture and social respect besides productivity and benefit of business owners and stakeholders.

In order to evaluate the range of satisfaction among suppliers, customers and visitors we prepare some questionnaires  to find our weak points and make better products and services.


Continuous surveys and analyzing the satisfaction rate of the market and customers is one of our missions. Some questionnaires are made to measure the qualities and impacts of our activity and products on customers and colleagues. We want to study different aspects of our work with the questionnaires.

You are the representative of your group to transfer your opinion about us via the questionnaires. Note that all users’ information and responses are kept secret. Please help us with your answers.

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سایر محصولات صنعتی و محافظتی

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.